General Information
McConaghy Retail Pty Ltd makes a commitment that any sensitive information collected during the course of our operations is treated with respect and shall be managed responsibly at all times.
The purpose of McConaghy Retail Pty Ltds (Toowoomba Plaza) Privacy Policy is to outline what personal information we collect during the course of running our business, what we do with the personal information received and what measures we take to ensure this information is treated in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act.
About Us
McConaghy Retail is one of the leaders when it comes to regional shopping centre excellence and offering an unparalleled experience whilst shopping. The provisions of the Privacy Act bind us. For more information on our business, please contact our Head Office on 07 3002 0100 for further information.
Information We Collect
Information may be collected via our stores, websites or Head Office, including various departments such as Human Resources, Finance, Marketing and Internet Services. Depending on the purpose for collecting the information, the details required will vary, but essentially the types of information we currently collect include:
- Name
- Address
- Telephone number
- E-mail address
- Date of birth
- Gender
- Interests
Any information provided to McConaghy Retail will be treated in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy Act. If you have any questions about the Act, please refer to the Federal Privacy Commissioner?s website:
Use of Information Collected
Any information McConaghy Retail collects through the course of normal business dealings remains confidential. McConaghy Retail does not sell, trade or participate in unauthorised use of personal information. We may use the information provided to perform statistical analysis of customer shopping habits or other similar activities, but this is for internal marketing purposes only. We may also use the personal information to send you information about our promotions and products. McConaghy Retail does not send unsolicited e-mails.
Disclosure of Information Collected
McConaghy Retail takes all reasonable precautions to ensure that any personal information received is kept confidential. In some instances, it is necessary to disclose some of your personal information to third parties or contractors such as delivery contractors. However, McConaghy Retail will take all appropriate steps to ensure our suppliers and contractors only use the information provided to them for the relevant purpose. To this end, all third parties are required to sign a McConaghy Retail Pty Ltd Service Contract that includes a privacy clause. However, no personal information will be disclosed to any other third party without your consent.
Customers who do not wish to have their personal information used for marketing by McConaghy Retail should indicate their desire at the time of purchase, in correspondence, at interview or any other point of contact with a representative of our company. Customers may also contact us at any time to ask us not to use their personal information for marketing. We also understand that when shoppers visit our website they may not wish to become a member. We respect that and have provided visitors with the option to not sign up as a member and to drop out at any time if they no longer wish to be a member of the site.
Access to Personal Information
Individuals may request details of their personal information by writing to the Property Manager at GPO Box 5267, Brisbane QLD 4001. McConaghy Retail will endeavour to respond within fourteen (14) days, provided the information requested meets the requirements under the Privacy Act. Requests that do not meet the requirements will be advised accordingly.
Any information you have provided may be corrected or brought up to date at any time. For privacy and accuracy reasons McConaghy Retail relies on the customer to provide any changes or updates to individual information.
Both the Toowoomba Plaza website and the McConaghy Retail online store use “system cookies”. A “system cookie” is a small amount of information stored on the users computer by our web site server. The system cookie? identifies the users browser. It does not identify the user personally and no personal information is stored within McConaghy Retails system cookies. System cookies can be disabled by the user going to the preferences or options menu in their browser.
Information Security
Toowoomba Plaza’s trading website will conform to the standard of SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) technology to minimise possible misuse by third parties. Our website may contain links to other sites, however no personal information is exchanged. These links are for information purposes only. McConaghy Retail has taken reasonable steps to implement appropriate security measures to minimize the risk of unauthorised third party access. The internal network also has levels of security to ensure information of a sensitive nature is only accessible by authorised staff members. All hard copies of sensitive information are stored securely and are not accessible by unauthorised persons.
Children and Young People
The Toowoomba Plaza website is accessible to people of all ages, however, we are mindful that some customers who register as members may be under the age of 18. In the interests of their personal safety, we urge children to check with their parents before entering personal information on any website and ask parents to discuss these issues with their children.
McConaghy Retail will also ensure that appropriate disclosures are made at the time of collection of other information from minors, and will only collect this information where it is appropriate to do so. Information collected will only be used for appropriate purposes.
Changes to Policy
It may be necessary for us to alter this policy from time to time to keep pace with changing legislative requirements.
Complaints to the Privacy Commissioner
If you are not satisfied with the way we have handled your personal information you are entitled to lodge a complaint with the Federal Privacy Commissioner. More information can be obtained from the Commissioner’s website at In the first instance though we encourage you to contact our Property Manager with details of your complaint either by mail to GPO Box 5267, Brisbane QLD 4001, telephone on 07 3002 0100 or email to
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions, please contact us on email, by letter to: The Property Manager, McConaghy Retail Pty Ltd, GPO Box 5267, Brisbane Qld 4001 or by phoning our Property Manager on 07 3002 0100.